Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

I know you’re about to get very busy soon, so I’m sending you my Christmas list early. There’s just one item on it.

I’ve done my best to be very good this year—I’ve done more than my fair share at work, I’ve made some progress on my prelims, and I’ve tried to be the best son, brother, uncle, godfather, friend, colleague, tenant, and neighbor that I know how to be. I’ve done an extra-good job taking care of myself this year, and now I’m probably in the best health of my life.

By now, you’ve probably guessed the gift that I want for Christmas. And yes, I would truly consider it a gift, especially if it lasts for years and years and brings me the kind of joy I’ve always dreamed of having in my life. It’s been a very long time since I’ve written you a letter and asked for a Christmas gift, but what I want this Christmas is something I just can’t seem to get on my own. I’ve been trying for a very long time to give myself this gift, but for some reason I just haven’t succeeded.

Now, please understand, Santa—this gift is not something that I need—it’s not something that I can’t live without. It’s just something that I’ve wanted for a very, very long time—and something that I honestly believe that I deserve.

Lots of people I know have already received this gift at some point in their lives. Some of them have had this gift for a very long time, and others have had this gift for just a few years. All of my friends who already have this gift really enjoy having it, and—as far as I know—they work quite hard to hold onto it. I can only imagine how important it is to them, because, as I mentioned earlier, this gift is something I’ve never had in my life.

So please, Santa, would you be kind enough to bless me with a partner this year? I promise to treat him with respect, to make him as happy as I possibly can, to support him, to encourage him, to help him achieve his goals. I promise to grow old with him. And most of all, I promise to love him. I know that having a partner is a huge responsibility, and I’m ready for it. I just need your help meeting him.

Thanks, Santa, and Merry Christmas.


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